SWOT Analysis: An Excellent Tool for Association Planning

As the complexities associated with governing homeowners associations continue to grow, boards of associations are quickly learning that taking time to plan two to five years in advance is an excellent investment of time and resources.  Planning now for the future can set your association on the right course, save your association time, money andGo to Resource

Do’s and Don’ts of Association Contracts

In my practice of community association law, I often encounter situations where I am asked to undo a mistake or get the association out of a jam. To some extent this is the nature of the practice of law in general. However, it seems to happen even more often when it comes to contractual relationshipsGo to Resource

A Proactive Approach to Contracts

Prior to beginning construction projects, most boards understand the importance of consulting with engineers, architects and other experts. These consultations help to define the project and shape any bids so that the final product conforms to what the board envisioned. Very few boards think to draft a customized contract before advertising for bids to defineGo to Resource

Protecting Your Association’s Name and Good Will

With the increase in use of the internet for the posting of blogs, the reputation of it is now more critical than ever to protect the Association’s name and in some cases trademarks from harm.  Disgruntled owners can now, very easily place all of their grievances on line with great ease.  In communities that surviveGo to Resource

Options for Dealing with AWOL Developer-Controlled Boards

In the last few years the economic downturn has hit community associations in many forms.  We have seen more and more developers filing bankruptcy or otherwise leaving communities in the lurch.  One fallout is that at times, the developer still sits on the board and the period of declarant control has not expired, but theGo to Resource
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