Minutes of Association Meetings and Board Meetings

All actions by the Association’s members and the board of directors should be evidenced by resolutions adopted by the members or the board of directors. The resolutions should be contained in the minutes of actual meetings, or in written consents, with voting of each participant indicated, in lieu of actual meetings. Any action by membersGo to Resource

Developing Community Spirit

Homeowner associations are the perfect vehicle for transforming neighbors into friends and for creating community loyalty, responsibility, and empowerment.  These are important traits for a community to cultivate because they will lead to strong, cohesive, and ultimately happier communities.  In order to develop these traits in your community consider incorporating a few of the followingGo to Resource

Dealing with Difficult People in a HOA

Dealing with difficult people in any setting can be a real challenge. But in homeowner associations, where the person who is difficult is your neighbor, there exists an entirely new level of difficulty. Where we live means a lot more to us than any other physical environment. Our home is our castle.  It is whereGo to Resource

Building “Community” Within Your Community

Community spirit means pride in a community.  Building community spirit creates an emotional equity allowing residents to have an invested interest in their community.  The key to having a spirited community doesn’t rest in the size or the wealth of the association, but rather the enthusiasm and energy of the residents.  Community associations throughout theGo to Resource

YouTwitFace – Social Media and How it Relates to Your Homeowners Association

What do you get when you put “YouTube,” “Twitter,” and “Facebook” together? YouTwitFace. That may be a running joke in my household, but six or seven years ago uttering the phrase “friend me” or “follow me” would likely produce a bunch of blank stares.  Now, friend requests on Facebook and follow me requests on TwitterGo to Resource
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