For the last 10 months the city of Arvada has been updating its existing Comprehensive Plan to guide future decisions relative to land use, transportation, economic development and other issues. These changes may affect your association if you are located in Arvada. The plan is now available at You can also attendGo to Resource
Although smoking is generally on a decline, the problems associated with smoking in condominium communities (and sometimes in attached townhome communities) continues to rear its ugly head with the “right to smoke v. the right to breath clean air” debate getting uglier and uglier. We recently blogged on a case out of OrangeGo to Resource
Savvy business owners constantly identify, assess and manage risk. Almost every decision, such as whether to sign a contract, how much to charge, who to hire and how to manage a project, are risk management strategies. But business owners often don’t comprehensively plan to manage risk. Businesses may simply rely upon insurance asGo to Resource
FHA certification and leasing has long been a thorn in condominium communities’ sides. Therefore, it’s important to remember what types of leasing restrictions are acceptable for purposes of FHA certification and what types of restrictions are not acceptable. To summarize, condominium declarations and rules may: Require owners to have written leases and supplyGo to Resource
Business owners often attempt to categorize workers as independent contractors rather than employees. Many employers improperly assume that simply labeling a worker as an independent contractor will suffice. That is an extremely risky assumption. Incorrect designations can result in significant financial consequences to the employer. Administrative agencies and courts will look at theGo to Resource