With housing availability and affordability at an all-time low and homeless populations at an all-time high, the issue of squatters in vacant properties is becoming more prevalent in association communities.  The news has published extreme cases in New York of squatters being treated as legitimate tenants under New York law with the actualGo to Resource
In 2018, HB 18-1128 was passed to strengthen protections for consumer data privacy, which required any entity maintaining personal identifying information (“PII”) to adopt a written policy setting forth a process for the security and destruction of paper and electronic documents containing personal identifying information. Personal identifying information includes, but is not limitedGo to Resource
One of the most difficult questions posed to a condominium association board is: Who is responsible for damage caused by a water leak? For example: water comes through the roof, intrudes into and damages upper condo unit #1, passes through and damages the common element walls and floors along the way, then endsGo to Resource
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