We all know that smoking and specifically second hand smoke is controversial.  Over the years we have seen local and statewide restrictions on smoking in most public places, some specifically related to multi-family communities and at least one Colorado court has upheld a declaration amendment prohibiting smoking IN units. But, HB 3253 introducedGo to Resource
Yesterday, May 11, the 2011 Colorado Legislative session closed.  It was an active and reasonably positive session from the point of view of the community association industry, with many favorable bills passing and several unfavorable bills being killed or positively modified. Unfortunately, one of the favorable bills we supported —  the HOA RegistrationGo to Resource
All three bills we are still following and that may impact Colorado Community Associations have recently moved forward, ahead of the deadline of the Legislature’s May 11, 2011 adjournment.  Specifically, the following bills have recently been voted on: the Transfer Fee bill, SB 11-234; the HOA Registration “Clean Up” bill, SB 11-253; andGo to Resource
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