Trying to keep communities looking good is one of the most important goals for homeowners associations; in fact, it is one of the main reasons people purchase homes in HOAs. Unfortunately, enforcing governing documents is not an easy task and there are oftentimes provisions in the governing documents that make it even tougher. To assistGo to Resource
The primary “governing documents” of an association are the declaration, articles of incorporation, and bylaws. When properly drafted, all three governing documents work together and have separate roles addressing different aspects of associations’ governances. Unfortunately, all too often documents are not drafted correctly, which results in overlapping and contrary provisions between documents and provisions writtenGo to Resource
I Hear the Cans A Comin’ They’re Coming Round the Bend!
We, at Altitude Community Law, are so very proud to announce this year’s 5th Annual Community Can-Can! Come join us on Friday, September 12th, for an afternoon of food, fun, and frivolity as we gather together for a CANtastic competition! Uttering the phrase “Community Can-Can” always sparks something deep inside me that grows increasingly andGo to Resource
What Documents Should be Kept for Successful Collections?
To make a collection case successful, it is important the association be able to document the origin of the debt. If an association cannot show where some or all of the debt comes from, the likelihood of recovery becomes very slim. This article will address the documents that are essential for a successful collections action.Go to Resource
Owners’ Access to Financial Records: What and How Much Do We Provide
Suppose an owner in your association has requested access (inspection and/or copying) to certain financial records of the association. What are the obligations of the board to provide this information? Can it withhold any information? Can you charge for access? The answers are provided for in Colorado law (both the Colorado Common Interest Ownership ActGo to Resource