I want to serve on my community’s board of directors for the lucrative salary . . . said no board member ever! Nevertheless, serving on the board of directors for your community can be a satisfying and rewarding experience. But sometimes boards hit rough patches and fall under the scrutiny of their owners, who canGo to Resource
A wise person once said: “Never make snow angels in a dog park”. That is good advice. Another piece of good advice is to be prepared, this winter season, for frozen pipes and finger-pointing. When the temperatures plummet, condominiums and townhomes often experience frozen pipes and resulting water leaks. When that happens, everyone startsGo to Resource
Although a large number of communities suffer from “our governing documents suck syndrome” many boards still refuse to move forward with amending or rewriting their communities’ governing documents. The refusal is most often based on fear, but fear of what? Fear of the process? Fear of the unknown? Fear of owners? It hasGo to Resource
Chapter 7 bankruptcy cases tend toward the routine. The debtor files a bankruptcy petition, the trustee holds a “Meeting of Creditors” wherein the debtor is questioned under oath about the bankruptcy and a trustee determines whether the debtor has any assets that may be sold to pay his/her creditors. If the trustee finds thereGo to Resource
In 1988, two young attorneys joined together and created what was quite novel at the time: a single stop shop for all homeowners association needs. They realized that for community association law to truly excel, principles of management and best practices would need to be established, adhered to and taught. At that point,Go to Resource