Revised Statute Concerning Association Records

C.R.S. §38-33.3-317 (“317”) is the all important section of CCIOA which dictates what records the Association is required to maintain and how the membership may request and obtain access to those records.  As you have most likely become relatively familiar with the intricacies of 317, you have also likely become frustrated at times with someGo to Resource

Can You Do the Can-Can?

Our Community Can-Can event is coming up on September 14th.  As we have for the last 2 years, Altitude Community Law is inviting others to help those in need Rise Above Hunger by collecting canned food, using the cans to build a structure then donating the food to the Food Bank of the Rockies. OurGo to Resource

CCIOA Corner—Owner Education

Is your association complying with CCIOA’s owner education requirement?  If you responded with “what owner education requirement?” read on! Section 209.7 of CCIOA, which was added in 2005 by our old friend Senate Bill 100, requires associations to provide owners with education, at least annually, pertaining to the “general operations of the association and theGo to Resource

Using Outbound Calls to Collect Delinquent Assessments

At Altitude Community Law, we take collecting delinquent assessments serious. Did you know that we have dedicated a full-time experienced collector who initiates contact with delinquent owners by making daily outbound calls for files on our Risk Sharing program?  Tom Walters, our collections specialist, has over 20 years of experience actively pursing full payment and/orGo to Resource
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