Social distancing necessitated by COVID-19 has caused many community associations to temporarily delay or postpone homeowner meetings and meetings of the association’s Board of Directors. As times begin to return to some semblance of normal, holding virtual meetings using online platforms including Zoom and Webex has gained in popularity. Such technology has allowed associations toGo to Resource

Are Your Fines Working?

  By: Elina B. Gilbert, Esq. With more people home now than ever before, many associations are struggling with increased complaints and violations pertaining to noise, obnoxious behavior, odors, and the like.  As wonderful as it would be to have all residents comply with their communities’ rules, it is becoming increasingly difficult to achieve suchGo to Resource

Understanding Unit Boundaries

  Why is it important to know unit boundaries? It impacts, and can determine, both owners’ and the associations’ rights and obligations. For example, maintenance issues commonly arise where it becomes essential to know whether a certain component, like a pipe, balcony, or drain, is considered part of the “unit” in order to determine whoGo to Resource

Safer at Home Public Health Order

Governor Polis’ Safer at Home Order is effective from 6:00 a.m. on Monday April 27, 2020 and will continue to be in effect until 11:59 p.m. on May 26, 2020, unless extended, rescinded, superseded, or amended in writing. Safer at Home Order  
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