Medical Marijuana: Do We Have To Allow It?

Eighteen states have now legalized the use of medical marijuana, and two states, Colorado and Washington, have legalized the recreational use of marijuana.  This has raised myriad issues for community associations, including how to limit or prohibit the use of medical and/or recreational marijuana, primarily in attached home communities, such as townhome and condominiums. SomeGo to Resource

Is Your Association Prepared for Natural Disasters?

Natural disasters come in many shapes and sizes.  It could be a tornado, a flood, Superstorm Sandy, or a wildfire.  Regardless of the type of disaster, the devastation and loss is often overwhelming.  Nothing can fully prepare someone to handle the emotional impact of a natural disaster.  However, with some thought and planning before aGo to Resource

Disruptive Owners and the HOA; Dealing with Government; and Dealing with the Media

DEALING WITH THE DISRUPTIVE OWNER–“AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION” There is nothing an association can do in advance that will guarantee it will not have to cope with a disruptive owner.  However, an association can do things that will make it less likely a disruptive owner will surface and that such an owner’s disruptive tactics willGo to Resource

Fire! Fire!

As the first round of wild fires is coming to a close, associations should take this brief breather to establish plans and procedures to address these emergency situations. Associations are in a unique position to be able to respond quickly and efficiently to fires and other natural disasters when they have plans and procedures inGo to Resource
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