The Colorado Court of Appeals recently issued a decision confirming that a board of directors that reasonably interprets a validly adopted rule or regulation of the association is protected from liability. The crux of the decision is this: If claims alleging rule violations by a board of directors or nonprofit corporation do not involve allegationsGo to Resource
Governance Resources
Board Basics 101: What Every Board Member Needs to Know
OVERVIEW OF THE BASICS “Community Association” is the generic term for communities that are created pursuant to recorded covenants or other documents that create an association of the unit or homeowners. The term community association includes condominiums, homeowner associations, and housing cooperatives. These are typically organized as non-profit corporations. Condominiums. A condominium is a formGo to Resource
While I celebrate 2020 now being in the past, I send you best wishes for a successful 2021. May we all have toilet paper, hand sanitizer, hope, and optimism in abundant supply in this new year. Last year was the year that was broken, in many cases. It was the year of broken concert toursGo to Resource
Social distancing necessitated by COVID-19 has caused many community associations to temporarily delay or postpone homeowner meetings and meetings of the association’s Board of Directors. As times begin to return to some semblance of normal, holding virtual meetings using online platforms including Zoom and Webex has gained in popularity. Such technology has allowed associations toGo to Resource
Elina is quoted in this article “Condo/HOA Board Interim Positions, Explained” published by