Association wins at Colorado Court of Appeals

In March of 2014 the Colorado Court of Appeals overturned a Jefferson County District Court decision made against one of Altitude Community Law’ clients.  In the ruling the Court of Appeals agreed with the arguments put forth by Brianna Schaefer, Damien Bielli and Loura Sanchez. Altitude Community Law felt that the District Court ruling wasGo to Resource

Bankruptcy And Its Effect On Collecting Association Assessments

An Overview These materials concern themselves mainly with the effect of a bankruptcy on a homeowner association’s ability to collect its assessments.  Put another way, the object of these materials is to acquaint association managers and Board Members with the skills that will be necessary to determine whether a delinquent debt will still be collectibleGo to Resource

Preserving Evidence – What Does it Mean and How do you do it?

This article summarizes the reasons why community associations need to have systems in place for preserving evidence.  Associations are routinely involved in disputes, claims and litigation, such as accidents, covenant enforcement, construction defects, assessment collections and contract disputes.  Recognizing this reality, associations must have internal systems and controls to preserve information, data and documents whichGo to Resource

Essential Documents in a Collection Trial

Has your association been involved in a collection matter that went to trial?  Very few of our collection cases make it to trial, but when they do, it can be unnerving for board members and managers because it may be unfamiliar territory.  This article will address the documents that are essential in a collection trial. Go to Resource

Depositions: What are They?

A Deposition is one of the most useful tools employed during the litigation of a case to gather information. It is the oral testimony of a witness, usually the opposing party, which is reduced to writing for later use in court or for discovery purposes. Depositions are a vital part of the discovery process inGo to Resource
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