Why is communication important? Lack of communication or ineffective communication can damage any relationship. If I fail to communicate at all then I lose credibility, create suspicion or mistrust, and potentially cause or perpetuate conflict. On the other hand, if I communicate ineffectively, then it makes no difference what I say as it will eitherGo to Resource
Building Community Resources
Standard of Care for Board Members
In this video, Attorney Melissa Garcia talks about the Standard of Care for Board Members.
Directors’ Standards of Conduct—They Do Exist!!
In the HOA industry, we frequently hear certain words tossed around when it comes to board duties. We hear words such as “fiduciary”, “duty”, and “obligations”. But rarely does anyone actually reference a specific statute or specific language in a statute addressing board duties. The truth of the matter is that such a statutory provisionGo to Resource
Keeping Your Directors Safe & Innocent – Best Practices
A board position in your homeowner’s association affords owners the ability to provide a great service to their neighbors and community. However, such service comes with certain responsibilities that are often overlooked. This includes protecting the association from unintended liability. While no amount of preparation or planning can immunize an association from being sued, thereGo to Resource
“But Jimmy’s got one…”
Tired of hearing phrases like that each time you send a violation letter? Tired of feeling like you are back in grade school? Enforcement of covenants seems to bring out the same questions of fairness we had when we were all children. We want to be treated fairly and we don’t want to be toldGo to Resource