Dear Community Associations, Just around the corner is 2023, so…Happy New year!  Here’s a new licensing requirement!  Sincerely, The City and County of Denver. Might as well start the new year off with a bang!  There are two updates to the Denver Revised Municipal Code (DRMC) Ordinance that provide new licensing requirements forGo to Resource
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens,                                                                                           Sign/Flags and Solar with EV and Inspections Xeriscaping, Meetings, Enforcement and More Now you must physically post on their doors! No daily late fees and payment plans of 18 months $25 minimums and lots of other foreclosure stuff Changes have come in all forms, don’tGo to Resource
As the primary foreclosure attorney at Altitude Community Law, I am often asked to explain judicial foreclosures.  There are a lot of moving parts in a foreclosure, and your average citizen is often unfamiliar with the process.  And, because it is human nature to shy away from the unfamiliar, board members and communityGo to Resource
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