In Part 5 of this series, I want to talk about listening effectively. Did you hear what I said or did you just hear you need to listen? Effective listening is a skill which is not passive. It takes action on your part and it isn’t something that many leaders do well. EffectiveGo to Resource
Believing that strong communities create a stronger city, Mayor Michael Hancock has launched Denver Days, a citywide effort to help neighbors get to know each other and get involved with their communities. Denver Days runs from August 3rd through August 11th. Hosting a neighborhood social event, block party or organizing a service projectGo to Resource
By early May, 2013, Facebook had over 1.11 billion users and Twitter had over 550 million users. Social media is fast becoming the preferred method of communication among the masses, probably because of the enticing ability to post on-the-go. But do you stop and think before you post? The man who posted picturesGo to Resource
If you are following this series on Servant Leadership, you may be wondering about the term itself. Servant Leadership is based on the premise of being a leader in a nonprofit organization, which has some differences from leadership in a for-profit corporation. The primary difference is that you are entrusted with the assetsGo to Resource
A recent Colorado Supreme Court case about attorney fee awards will have a significant impact on business litigation and contract terms. In Planning Partners. Int’l v. QED, Inc., 2013 CO 43 (Colo. 2013), the Colorado Supreme Court declined to follow the lead of other states and the Court of Appeals and award attorneyGo to Resource