Hopefully the rain has ceased pouring and the floods have stopped raging, so homeowners can begin the long and hard process of cleaning up.  Removing standing water, drying out furniture, getting rid of debris, cleaning and disinfecting are just some of the steps required in your post-flood checklist.  If your home has suffered flood damage, FEMA has published an After the Flood Fact Sheet which contains some helpful post-flood tips.  

And, as you begin to tackle this list, beware of those scam artists who may try to take advantage of you in the process.  In this recent Denver Post article, you can read about how to guard against those masquerading as contractors, utility reps and charity agencies.

Melissa M. Garcia
2 responses to “Don’t Get Hung Out to Dry
  1. And, unfortunately, most managers will do nothing unless specifically notified and requested. Managers should be pro-active and check with the owners in all the properties they manage to see if there are problems with which the owners need assistance. Also, most associations are not required to purchase flood insurance, unless they are in a flood zone, as identified by FEMA. (Those maps may be viewed at the city’s offices, and I think, now, they are even online.) But that doesn’t mean that they weren’t at risk for flooding in this particular storm, as it is now being considered a one-thousand-year storm. And individual owners most likely will be shocked to discover they have no coverage if they did not purchase separate flood insurance. For most of us, the possibility of flooding never even entered our minds. We may have a different view now. Floods in Colorado was the farthest thing from our minds.
  2. HOAs are not eligible to apply for FEMA disaster funds to repair common areas. We have $300K damage to elevators from high water in underground garages of buildings that were not in the flood plain so no insurance. We do have flood insurance on 2 buildings that will cover. But how do I hit owners with a special assessment next week in the range of $2-3K to fix the rest? Or tell elderly and disabled we won’t restore their elevator? HUD Community Block Grants were made available for Sandy victims in New York coops:


    I have written to Senators and Gov to ask for same, but need to know how to get their attention sooner than my 1 in 10,00 email?

    Laura Viola
    President, Gold Run Condos

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