In April, we wrote a newsletter article entitled The Association’s Superlien: What Was it Intended to Be, What Is It, and Where is it Going. Now that you know more about the superlien, what can your association’s do to collect it … and collect it quickly? The answer is to simply foreclose onGo to Resource
Does your community conduct straw polls of owners to determine if community consensus exists on a particular issue? If so, be very careful of possible political ramifications if the straw poll results are not followed by the board. Failure to follow and adhere to straw poll results came back to haunt the SunflowerGo to Resource
We’ve all heard the old saying that “time is money” but that is especially true if you are a closely held business owner whose time is already limited. Lawsuits of any kind can take up a huge amount of a business owners’ time and energy. Preparation for depositions, producing documents and being inGo to Resource
A community in Aurora, Colorado is in the middle of a big fight over the removal of a wheelchair ramp by the association. Although the ramp was put back up by the fire department, disabled residents living on the second and third floor units in the community now want the association to provideGo to Resource
Community associations are turning to social media as another way to provide information, enhance neighborhood connections and build community in general. In his recent blog post, Side Streets blogger Bill Vogrin explores two communities that used Facebook in an attempt to promote their neighborhoods and get their neighbors to connect. Is your associationGo to Resource