Sample Board Policies and Procedures (Book of Governance)

This publication is an accumulation of the Association’s policies. We intend that it is a statement of purposes, policies, values, perspectives and relationships. Because of its nature this is intended to be a “work in progress.” “Work in progress” in the respect that it will continue to grow and to be modified as better informationGo to Resource

Attorneys, Managers and the Association

Association managers and association lawyers should, and usually do, share a common goal:  providing the best possible service to their client associations. Meeting this goal requires a high level of cooperation and understanding on the part of both the manager and the lawyer.  Each of them operates under a number of practical and professional limitationsGo to Resource

Boilerplate A to Z: General Terms of an Agreement

General Contractual Provisions that should be included in all HOA contracts: A.     Use of “Will” and “May”. “Will” is a mandatory word denoting an obligation to pay or perform. “May” is a permissive word denoting an option. B.     Use of “Pronouns”. All personal pronouns used in this Agreement, whether used in the masculine, feminine, orGo to Resource

Practical Lessons In Construction Defect Cases

The Emergence of the Homebuyer’s Rights For many years the phrase “buyer beware” characterized the homeowner’s relative lack of power against the builder of the defective home. Deemed to have an affirmative duty to inspect the property prior to execution of the purchase contract, homebuyers who failed to do so were denied recovery and theirGo to Resource
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