The last phone call an Association or its manager wants to receive is a call where the owner says “I have a water leak.” However, these calls happen and the Association must be prepared to efficiently and effectively deal with the situation. While leaks occur in all types of communities, single family, townhome, and condominium,Go to Resource
To camera or not to camera, that is the question. While not necessarily worthy of Shakespeare, it gets the point across. Is it better to install monitoring cameras and understand what is happening in the community or to turn a blind eye, but also assume no liability or a duty to prevent the acts ofGo to Resource
As we say good-bye to 2019 and welcome 2020, many of us have created a list of New Year’s resolutions. Perhaps your community has made a resolution to lower expenses? Perhaps your community took it one step further and resolved to lower legal expenses? But how is an association to do that? Below is aGo to Resource
Most everybody knows by now that Colorado associations are required to adopt nine good governance policies pursuant to CCIOA (Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act). However, do you know that in addition to the required policies there is a slew of not-required, but highly recommended policies for associations? Below is a list of the top sevenGo to Resource
It is that time of year when many associations are holding budget meetings and annual homeowner meetings. It is important that the integrity of the voting at those meetings be maintained, especially if there will be a vote on a special assessment or some other matter that may be contentious or controversial. If there isGo to Resource