Last month I had the privilege of teaching the webinar “Help We Need More Money,” which was all about generating more income for associations. Whether an association needs more money because it has unexpected repairs, or insurance costs have quadrupled, or just due to inflation and other uncontrollable costs, many boards fall into the rhythmGo to Resource
The attorney-client privilege is not typically at the forefront of peoples’ minds when communicating with counsel, but it really should be.  An accidental waiver of the privilege can lead clients to compromising positions, expose them to liability, and place them at legal disadvantage with respect to the particular legal matter. The attorney-client privilege is theGo to Resource
‘Tis the season for limited daylight, falling snow, and cold temperatures here in Colorado!  It is the time of year homeowner associations commonly face seasonal challenges such as frozen pipes, slip and fall accidents, and disputes with snow removal vendors.  These issues can serve to take the joy out of the holiday season for all.Go to Resource
Winter is here! And with the cold temperatures, snow storms, and other winter culprits, it’s time to ensure you have adequate insurance to cover property damage that may be coming your way. Whether your community is damaged from exploding frozen pipes, or because of snow and hail storms, it’s important to understand possible pitfalls inGo to Resource

Regulating Commercial Vehicles

More often than not, governing documents contain restrictions on commercial vehicles, but the term “commercial vehicle” means something different to different people.  Although it is clear that some vehicles are undeniably “commercial” in nature, many vehicles fall somewhere in the gray area.   So how do owners know whether their vehicles will be considered “commercial” andGo to Resource
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