Mediation Concepts and Uses

This article provides a brief overview of mediation concepts and uses. Mediation is a powerful and creative dispute resolution process. Associations should consider mediation as an alternative approach for resolving certain disputes that arise in their communities. Mediation is an informal process where a neutral third party helps the disputing parties to negotiate a mutuallyGo to Resource

Does Your Association Have a Social Media Policy?

Today’s associations understand the need to convey, and even over-communicate, important information to their members.  To that end, some associations have jumped into the cyberworld with their own Facebook and/or Twitter pages.  Before jumping in with both feet, however, associations should consider adopting a social media policy.  Before putting together such a policy, the boardGo to Resource

CCIOA Corner – Declarant Transition

If your community is still under declarant control, you should be aware that CCIOA prescribes a time frame within which the declarant must turn over control of the board to the community owners. Pursuant to Section 303(5)(a) of CCIOA, a declarant is required to turn over control of the board to owners upon the occurrenceGo to Resource

Foreclosing on Time Share Estates in Colorado

Ownership in the form of time share estates is common in vacation areas, such as the beautiful mountains of Colorado.  Owners of time shares or interval interests (“time shares”) must pay assessments on their interests as do full, fee simple owners of units. Given the current economy, many time shares are now worth less thanGo to Resource
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