CCIOA Corner—Director Conflicts of Interest

You’ve, no doubt, heard the term “conflict of interest” flung around quite a bit in the HOA industry.  But what does this term really mean?  Did you know that CCIOA, with the help of the Revised Nonprofit Corporations Act (“Nonprofit Act”), specifically defines this term and provides guidance for associations with respect to this issue?PursuantGo to Resource

Chickens in the Community?

When a homeowner purchases a home in a covenant protected community he/she enters into a contract with the association.  The owner agrees to be bound by the restrictions contained in the community’s governing documents, which includes the declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions that are recorded with the Clerk and Recorder’s Office of the countyGo to Resource

Can a Board Adopt a Rule Banning Renters from Keeping Pets?

Q: Can the board adopt a rule that prohibits renters, but not owners, from having pets? A:  This is a common question, particularly with condominium projects in the mountain resort areas. Many tenants in mountain communities rent on a short-term basis, and there is the perception that short-term four-legged guests cause more damage, create moreGo to Resource

Generative Thinking By Boards

You’ve often heard us talk about the three facets of a community:   But there are also three modes of governance for your association board. Governance as Leadership; (Chait, Ryan & Taylor, 2005). In the fiduciary mode, boards are concerned with being the steward of the association’s physical assets. In the strategic mode the boardGo to Resource
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