Should You Foreclose?

Inevitably owners get behind on their assessments. Not just three, four, or even five months, but ten, eleven, or twelve months delinquent. Despite the association’s best efforts to get the owner to pay, there is no money coming in. Then what? Generally, an association has several ways to collect unpaid assessments: lien the property andGo to Resource
In all the years I’ve been practicing law, and particularly HOA law, there is one thing I learned for certain: Most people hate insurance.  Why?  Because insurance documents are difficult to understand and confuse many who attempt interpretation of them.  Thank goodness boards and managers have insurance professionals to rely upon!  This leads me toGo to Resource

Using Technology to Better Run Community Associations

In March, the Community Association Institute released a series of reports based on the future of community associations.  Each of the panels produced a report.  In the Community Next: 2020 & Beyond report issued by the Public Policy panel, one of the identified challenges facing the community association industry is the ability of associations toGo to Resource

Hoarding & Marijuana…What’s an Association to do?

While seemingly dissimilar in nature, hoarding and marijuana have similar impacts on community associations. In addition to risks experienced by first responders responding to emergency calls, health problems include falls or accidents in the unit, clutter, garbage, animal or human feces, and the resulting mold or infestation can also cause respiratory and other health problemsGo to Resource
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