By: Elina B. Gilbert, Esq. With more people home now than ever before, many associations are struggling with increased complaints and violations pertaining to noise, obnoxious behavior, odors, and the like. As wonderful as it would be to have all residents comply with their communities’ rules, it is becoming increasingly difficult to achieve suchGo to Resource
Understanding Unit Boundaries
Why is it important to know unit boundaries? It impacts, and can determine, both owners’ and the associations’ rights and obligations. For example, maintenance issues commonly arise where it becomes essential to know whether a certain component, like a pipe, balcony, or drain, is considered part of the “unit” in order to determine whoGo to Resource
By Amanda K. Ashley Esq. As we continue embracing our lives and living “la vida covid,” we have few economic certainties. Here’s what we do know: collection of assessments in Colorado has slowed but has not stopped, lender foreclosures in Colorado are being significantly delayed, and many of our friends and neighbors are struggling withGo to Resource
By: Kiki Dillie For those of us that were involved with associations in the late 2000s and early 2010s, collections were difficult. The economy was in a recession and people were unemployed or underemployed. Homeowners often owed more on their homes than they were worth and mortgage companies were foreclosing at an alarming rate. CollectionsGo to Resource
As the United States and the world in general face unchartered territory due to COVID-19, common interest communities around the country are also trying to figure out what they can do, what they can’t do, and what they should do. To assist you with trying to figure all this out and making decisions on howGo to Resource