9 Required Policies

loading… Pursuant to C.R.S. §38-33.3-209.5 of the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act, an association is required to adopt nine policies. We can draft all nine required policies for a fixed fee. Please contact us at 303.432.9999 or [email protected] with any questions on the below, or other legal needs for your association.
loading… The Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (“CCIOA”) and the Colorado Revised Nonprofit Corporations Act (“Nonprofit”) are the two primary statutes governing common interest communities in Colorado.  These statutes are long, complex, and contain provisions many people are not familiar with, and, frankly, may not care about. However, it is fun to take a lookGo to Resource
loading… What is a special assessment?  A special assessment is an assessment that is not contemplated in an association’s budget for the fiscal year and is therefore over and above the regular assessments imposed in accordance with an association’s budget. One reason for imposition of special assessments is to pay for unexpected repairs and replacementsGo to Resource
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