Bankruptcy Basics

Bankruptcy … it’s the “four-letter word” that nobody wants to hear.  There are two types of bankruptcies that most individuals file.  A Chapter 7 bankruptcy (also known as a “liquidation” bankruptcy) will, upon completion, discharge the owner’s debt as of the date of filing.  A Chapter 13 bankruptcy (also known as a “wage earner’s” bankruptcy)Go to Resource
If done the right way, a homeowner forum can achieve many goals.  It can capture community-wide interests and concerns.  It can give the owners a voice.   It’s great for generating opinions, feedback and new ideas.  It will increase the Board’s awareness of potential problems on the horizon. And, hopefully, it will engage and foster futureGo to Resource

Discussing Delinquencies in Open Meetings

The Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (“CCIOA”) requires board meetings be open to attendance by owners in the community unless the board goes into executive session.  All owners are therefore allowed to attend any portion of board meetings except when they are excluded from a properly called executive session. CCIOA authorizes boards to go intoGo to Resource
Attorneys representing homeowner associations are often asked about the requirements and procedures for taking meeting minutes and preparing agendas.   This is especially true for self-managed associations with volunteer boards who may have less experience organizing and conducting meetings.  This article discusses some of the legal requirements as well as best practices as they pertain toGo to Resource
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