A proof of claim is a document filed with the court in a bankruptcy case that registers a creditor’s claim against assets of the bankruptcy estate. A more simplified explanation is that it’s the form the creditor completes and files that tells the bankruptcy court how much that creditor is owed and why. ItGo to Resource
Do you know whether your association has adequate insurance? Do you even know how to figure this out? Every community association needs to protect itself from various losses, claims, and liability exposure through a comprehensive insurance program. This article provides some tips to ensure you have adequate insurance: TIP 1: Know the primary sources ofGo to Resource

What’s in a Delinquency Notice?

In the course of conducting their business, associations regularly send out delinquency notices to owners who have not timely paid their assessments. It has been our experience that some delinquency notices still do not comply with Colorado law. On January 1, 2014, significant revisions were enacted to the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (“CCIOA”) withGo to Resource

Managers as Trial Witnesses

  Community managers frequently ask about their role in a trial. They also want to know how to best prepare and present themselves in the unfamiliar setting of a court room. The purpose of this article is to provide some guidance on these topics. If I were to distill the answer to these questions downGo to Resource
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