What are policies and why do they exist? The purpose of policies is to set forth a process to be followed with respect to various issues. A policy, in most cases, is a safety net for associations to ensure everyone is being treated the same and the same processes are followed every time. Nine “goodGo to Resource
Football season is right around the corner. For some sports fans this means it is time to dust off the flag of their favorite NFL team and hang it on the garage for all to see. In addition, some homeowners may want to show support for their alma mater as college football rivalries are renewedGo to Resource
Amending a set of covenants/declarations is no easy task. Declaration amendments typically require approval from owners representing at least 67% of the total votes in the association. To make things worse, sometimes we also see requirements for first mortgagee approvals, which means the association must obtain approval from banks to whom owners issue their mortgageGo to Resource
CCIOA – Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act
38-33.3-102. Legislative declaration.(1) The general assembly hereby finds, determines, and declares as follows: (a) That it is in the best interests of the state and its citizens to establish a clear, comprehensive, and uniform framework for the creation and operation of common interest communities; (b) That the continuation of the economic prosperity of Colorado isGo to Resource
Although document amendments lead to desirable results, boards frequently refuse to utilize this tool based on commonly held preconceived notions and popular myths about the process. This article will focus on common misconceptions when it comes to document amendments and will provide you with the actual facts about this process, which apply to both preGo to Resource