A Proactive Approach to Contracts

Prior to beginning construction projects, most boards understand the importance of consulting with engineers, architects and other experts. These consultations help to define the project and shape any bids so that the final product conforms to what the board envisioned. Very few boards think to draft a customized contract before advertising for bids to defineGo to Resource

Why An Association Needs Workers’ Compensation Insurance

If an association has any employees, it is required to carry workers’ compensation insurance.  The amount of the premium is generally determined by the total employee payroll.  Generally, independent contractors and non-compensated volunteers of associations are not considered employees for purposes of workers’ compensation. Examples of employees for which associations are required to carry workers’Go to Resource

Tips for Community Association Insurance

Do you know whether you are fully insured? Do you even know how to figure this out? Every homeowners and condominium association needs to protect itself from various losses, claims, and liability exposure through a comprehensive insurance program.  Here are some tips to ensure you have appropriate and adequate insurance: TIP 1:    Know the fourGo to Resource

But We Don’t Live By the Water…Common Misconceptions of the National Flood Insurance Program

Many people living in common interest communities don’t consider flood insurance a priority.  Some believe their individual homeowners insurance or the insurance policy carried by the homeowners’ association will cover flood damage.  Unfortunately, these common misconceptions can leave a homeowner stranded in knee deep waters.  The following article provides answers to frequently asked questions andGo to Resource

Anatomy of a D&O Policy

INTRODUCTION An effective D&O loss prevention program for a non-profit association may accomplish numerous objectives, including: Reducing the liability exposure not only of the directors and officers, but also the association to the extent the association may indemnify losses incurred by management. Improving the association’s ability to recruit qualified directors and officers. Avoiding time consuming,Go to Resource
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