By: Elina B. Gilbert, Esq. Pursuant to the Colorado Revised Nonprofit Corporations Act and most governing documents, associations have authority to create, change, and disband committees, as well as the right to appoint and remove persons to/from such committees. Committees are useful tools to assist boards with managing their duties and building goodwill in theirGo to Resource
In order to effectively run a community, board members and managers must be familiar with that association’s governing documents because, in most cases, failure to follow the governing documents exposes the association and its directors to liability. Additionally, it is imperative to become familiar with the current practices of your association to ensure smooth andGo to Resource
Taking good meeting minutes is a bit of an art form; on the one hand, minutes should be brief (hence the term “minutes”), but on the other hand minutes need to contain enough information to accurately report all actions that took place during the meeting. So, what is the secret to taking good meeting minutes?Go to Resource
Winter is over and spring has finally arrived! For many homeowners this means that the time has come to begin thinking about home improvement projects. Installing gardens, refreshing landscaping, expanding patios, constructing sheds, and house painting are common spring and summer projects. For associations, and their architectural review committees, this could mean an influx ofGo to Resource
Unfortunately, sometimes homeowners pass away. When that happens and the homeowner owes a balance to the association, boards often have many questions about what that means and what they should be doing. First and foremost, remember that the heirs are grieving their loved one. Board members are often torn between wanting to be respectful ofGo to Resource