Let’s face it, being a board member is no easy task, especially if there is discord among directors on the board.   When there is distrust among directors, communication becomes funnelled, selective, and exclusionary.  But is this type of communication really in the best interests of the community?  And even more so, is it legal?  Oftentimes,Go to Resource
In a world of COVID-19, virtual meetings, and tensions still running high in many associations, members are more eager than ever to participate in the democratic process of the association. With the increased desire of members to participate, and in conjunction with virtual meetings, comes the inevitable questions of how do proxies work, when areGo to Resource
In 1886, we were introduced to the first gasoline automobile powered by an internal combustion engine.[i]  Today, we fast forward to more and more vehicles powered partially or totally on electricity. In 2018, the world saw a 64% increase in the use of electric vehicles (“EVs”), rising from 3.4 million to 5.6 million[ii].  Today nearlyGo to Resource
Has your community ever encountered a situation where two, or more, owners ask to switch their assigned parking spaces, carports, or garages?  If that’s the case, the first step is to check your declaration to determine if a process is provided for accomplishing these tasks.   Oftentimes, declarations are silent on this issue, and boards areGo to Resource
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