Building “Community” Within Your Community

Community spirit means pride in a community.  Building community spirit creates an emotional equity allowing residents to have an invested interest in their community.  The key to having a spirited community doesn’t rest in the size or the wealth of the association, but rather the enthusiasm and energy of the residents.  Community associations throughout theGo to Resource

YouTwitFace – Social Media and How it Relates to Your Homeowners Association

What do you get when you put “YouTube,” “Twitter,” and “Facebook” together? YouTwitFace. That may be a running joke in my household, but six or seven years ago uttering the phrase “friend me” or “follow me” would likely produce a bunch of blank stares.  Now, friend requests on Facebook and follow me requests on TwitterGo to Resource

To Inform or Not to Inform – That Is the Question

With an increase in the amount and type of information available online, many homeowners associations have turned to increasingly sophisticated means of staying in touch with members.  Associations are now supplementing the traditional newsletter with password protected bulletin boards on association websites and blast emails notifying members of upcoming events.  As a result, residents haveGo to Resource

Tips for the Board Facing Recall

We asked our attorneys to develop a list of practical tips for boards who are facing a recall vote. This list is not intended to cover the “legalities” of a recall meeting as much as it is to offer worthwhile and practical suggestions for a smooth running meeting and vote. Have legal counsel review yourGo to Resource
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