Since July 1, 2018, when the CCIOA budget process was made applicable to pre-CCIOA communities, there continues to be confusion and unclarity with respect to the CCIOA budget process and especially if and how it applies to special assessments.  The purpose of this article is to help clarify both the budget process and special assessmentGo to Resource
An issue that has come up quite often as of late is that of a board wanting to help its individual community members while still maintaining its fiduciary obligations to the association. Perhaps there is an owner who is struggling to afford assessments, perform upkeep on the property, or can’t afford a major repair toGo to Resource
‘Tis the season for limited daylight, falling snow, and cold temperatures here in Colorado!  It is the time of year homeowner associations commonly face seasonal challenges such as frozen pipes, slip and fall accidents, and disputes with snow removal vendors.  These issues can serve to take the joy out of the holiday season for all.Go to Resource
HB22-1137 is all the rage lately, isn’t it? New procedures, notices, lengths of payment plans, limitations on fines, keeping better track of communications regarding all of the above – whoo! Exhausted just thinking about it! But… the first step in complying with the most recent HOA law in Colorado is to get the updated policiesGo to Resource
Have owners in your association ever approached you with a request to switch assigned parking spaces or garages that are allocated as limited common elements and your association’s documents?  What did you tell them, and did you know that the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (“CCIOA”) specifically addresses this issue for post-CCIOA communities (i.e. createdGo to Resource
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