Employment Issues in Community Associations

I.     Changes In Employment-At-Will Doctrine A.     The  employment-at-will doctrine is, simply stated, that all employment is by the mutual consent of the employer and employee, and may be terminated at will by either party for a good reason, a bad reason, or no reason at all. B.     Subsequently, virtually every state in the United StatesGo to Resource

What is a Common Interest Community and Why Does it Matter?

The Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (a/k/a CCIOA) was adopted by the Colorado legislature in 1992, to govern common interest communities in Colorado.  Communities that do not fall under the definition of a “common interest community” are not subject to CCIOA or any of its requirements or benefits.   But what exactly is a “common interestGo to Resource

CCIOA Required Disclosures

As a board member or manager you are probably aware of an association’s responsibility to provide access to records in response to a member’s request. But did you know that an association has a direct obligation to disclose certain information to its members?  Section 38-33.3-209.4 of the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (“CCIOA”) requires associationsGo to Resource

CCIOA Insurance Requirements

Insurance is a necessary component of proper community association governance and risk management. All community associations are vulnerable to the loss of property and finances.  Board members have a fiduciary duty to protect association assets.  The association’s insurance program is a key component for asset protection.  How can a board of directors determine the particularGo to Resource

Directors and Officers – Powers, Duties and Qualifications

“Community Association” is the generic term for communities that are created pursuant to recorded covenants or other documents that create an association of the unit or homeowners. The term community association includes condominiums, homeowner associations, and housing cooperatives. These are typically organized as non-profit corporations, which are operated by a board of directors elected byGo to Resource
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