As Spring quickly approaches, many homeowners will begin making upgrades and repairs to their homes and landscaping. Oftentimes these homeowners forget that prior to commencing work on their property they need to get approval from their HOA. With so many violations about to occur, what is the process that an association must follow to addressGo to Resource

Are Your Fines Working?

  By: Elina B. Gilbert, Esq. With more people home now than ever before, many associations are struggling with increased complaints and violations pertaining to noise, obnoxious behavior, odors, and the like.  As wonderful as it would be to have all residents comply with their communities’ rules, it is becoming increasingly difficult to achieve suchGo to Resource
  Rarely a week goes by when attorneys do not field calls from board members or managers asking whether or not the association can enforce its rules on streets running through the community. Sometimes these questions have simple answers, and other times, research will need to be conducted to determine the answer. The first stepGo to Resource
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