What are policies and why do they exist? The purpose of policies is to set forth a process to be followed with respect to various issues. A policy, in most cases, is a safety net for associations to ensure everyone is being treated the same and the same processes are followed every time. If anGo to Resource
CCIOA Resources
So You Want to See His Proxy?
Contrary to the title, this article is not about proxies, but a broader topic of when and under what conditions members are entitled to inspect certain records of their community associations. For communities subject to the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (“CCIOA”), a list of documents that must be maintained as association records can beGo to Resource
Understanding Unit Boundaries
Why is it important to know unit boundaries? It impacts, and can determine, both owners’ and the associations’ rights and obligations. For example, maintenance issues commonly arise where it becomes essential to know whether a certain component, like a pipe, balcony, or drain, is considered part of the “unit” in order to determine whoGo to Resource
2019 Manager Handbook
2019 Manager Handbook
Limited Expense Communities – What Does That Mean, Really?
This article is intended to explain what it means when a common interest community is referred to as a “Limited Expense Community” under the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (“CCIOA”). Colorado Revised Statute C.R.S. 38-33.3-116 grants an exception for Limited Expense Communities, specifically, a Limited Expense Community is exempt from all the statutory requirements inGo to Resource