In a legislative session that is seeing many bills bogged down by other more pressing matters or political fights, the Senate was able to push SB 13-183 through the chamber in fast track style.  Being introduced on February 19, 2013, in three short weeks, the bill was debated, passed the senate and wasGo to Resource
As the legislature continues to work, bills that were initially introduced with good intentions have started to struggle.  Specifically, HB 1225, The Homeowners Insurance Reform Act of 2013, has been postponed after it failed to gain traction in the House Committee on Business, Labor, Economic & Workforce Development.   HB 1225 was introduced asGo to Resource
HB 13-1137, a bill aimed at eliminating restrictions that prevent a board of county commissioners from removing weeds, is making its way through the legislative process.  The bill has been amended to indicate that a lien shall be placed on a property for the cost of weed removal. As amended, the bill alsoGo to Resource
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