With more and more talk at the federal level about immigration reform, most employers are focused on federal compliance when hiring. Specifically the I-9 form created in the 1980s to stem the tide of illegal immigration. Don’t forget to use the new I-9 form which became effective March 8, 2013! In addition toGo to Resource
Recently, we wrote about when an association should consider forgiveness of an owner’s debt. Once the association decides to forgive an owner’s debt, then what? First, the amount will actually be written off to bad debt and taken off the association’s books. Second, since it is tax season (and we are all thinking aboutGo to Resource
With more and more talk at the federal level about immigration reform, most employers are focused on federal compliance when hiring. Specifically the I-9 form created in the 1980s to stem the tide of illegal immigration. Don’t forget to use the new I-9 form which became effective March 8, 2013! In addition toGo to Resource
David Firmin and Loura Sanchez were each quoted in different articles in the March/April edition of Common Ground. David was quoted in the article entitled, “Direct Access” about Colorado’s legislation, specifically legislation aiming to strengthen homeowners’ rights by requiring association boards to be more transparent. David discusses the difficulties behind disclosure of -emailGo to Resource
It is never easy to fire an employee, but if you are in this position there are a few pointers that, if followed, will minimize potential claims against your company. You don’t have to give a reason since Colorado is an “at-will” state, but it’s a good idea to have a good reasonGo to Resource