With the manager license clean-up bill (HB 1343) about to become law, many are excited to have clarifications in place, and find a certain level of security knowing they can obtain a “provisional license” through the end of 2015 if they are not licensed by the original July 1, 2015 deadline. But haveGo to Resource
HB 15-1343 the Manager Cleanup and Streamline Bill passed out of the Legislature late yesterday and is on its way to becoming law. It is expected that Governor Hickenlooper will sign the bill which garnered support from all quarters. The bill, as passed, makes the following changes to the existing manager licensure statuteGo to Resource
Even though the State legislature seemed to end the debate, at least for this year, by postponing indefinitely any further debate on SB 15-177, the issues are far from settled. During the committee hearings on the bill, it was suggested that if the state did not do something on this topic, individual citiesGo to Resource
Loura Sanchez and Stephen Christopher of Burg Simpson will be teaching at the CAI Spring Showcase on May 12. Watch this video to see what you’ll miss if you don’t attend!
Need an application for your management company license? Click here. Need an application for yourself? Click here. Want to see the fees? Try this page. Need information on fingerprinting? Look here.