Memorial Day typically kicks off the pool season in Colorado. However due to the current pandemic, Boards and homeowners are beginning to wonder when, and if, the community pool will open this summer. Colorado is currently under Governor Polis’ Safer at Home Order, which is set to continue in effect until 11:59 p.m. onGo to Resource
Damages resulting from hail storms and water leaks are two of the most common insurance claims for townhouse and condominium associations. The Colorado hail season runs from mid-April to mid-September. According to the Rocky Mountain Insurance Information Association, Colorado’s Front Range sees about three or four catastrophic hails storms in a typical season. If youGo to Resource
“This is a marathon – not a sprint, which was the easy part – now we need to pace ourselves and these distancing measures need to be sustainable.” So said Governor Polis on April 20th, when he announced the pending end of the Covid-19 Sprint, which was intended to flatten the Covid-19 Curve,Go to Resource
[Note: Since the date this blog was originally posted, the Stay-at-Home Order has been updated. Here is the updated order, effective as of April 9, 2020.] As you likely know, Governor Polis issued a state-wide lockdown last night, which took effect at 6:00 am today. I started receiving phone calls late last nightGo to Resource
With all that is happening right now, we want to keep you up to date on where Colorado’s General Assembly is at this session. With the public health crisis, life has come to a halt for the legislature. On March 14th the General Assembly passed House Joint Resolution 20-1006, adjourning the legislature forGo to Resource