Associations frequently ban delinquent residents from common amenities such as pools, gyms and the like but have you considered shutting off cable or internet service?   If your condominium association provides cable/internet bundles and adds the costs to assessments, this may be a good tool to encourage delinquent residents to pay up. If youGo to Resource
The Metro District Conflict of Interest Bill, HB 11-1124, now seems likely to pass into law after being approved, unamended, by a Senate Committee yesterday.  This is good news for Colorado’s Community Association industry because the bill, as originally introduced, could have had negative consequences for the industry.  Fortunately, the current bill doesGo to Resource
Last Friday, David, H. Steven,  Assistant Secretary for Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner, issued a Waiver which clears up some of the confusion related to leasing restrictions in condominium communities. In the past the local HOC offices across the country have been denying condominium association approvals because of a determination and that allGo to Resource
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