All three bills we are still following and that may impact Colorado Community Associations have recently moved forward, ahead of the deadline of the Legislature’s May 11, 2011 adjournment.  Specifically, the following bills have recently been voted on: the Transfer Fee bill, SB 11-234; the HOA Registration “Clean Up” bill, SB 11-253; andGo to Resource
In our April 15th blog post, we reported that the Owners Association Conflict of Interest bill, HB 11-1124, was signed into law. This bill amends Section 38-33.3-209.5 of CCIOA to require conflict of interest policies to: Define when conflict of interests exist Adopt procedures to follow when a conflict of interest exists, includingGo to Resource
Transfer Fees.  SB 11-234, the Transfer Fee bill, passed out of its committee of origin with minor amendments today.  As we reported in our April 11, 2011 post, this bill is good for the community association industry because it would not affect fees collected by homeowners associations and condominiums and their managing agents. Go to Resource
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