How to use Legal Services to Prevent Problems

Introduction Homeowner associations are increasingly finding themselves in the middle of legal controversies. The issues are all too familiar. Contract disputes with landscapers, lawsuits from people injured on the common property, fights over the meaning of poorly worded legal documents, actions to enforce rules and regulations, and disagreements over the legality of special assessments andGo to Resource

Easy Answers to Difficult Problems

We all want easy answers to difficult problems but collection agencies may not be the answer you’re looking for.  With the growing number of delinquent accounts some associations may consider using a collection agency.  The belief is that collection agencies will be cheaper than law firms and perhaps, get better results.  Before heading to aGo to Resource

The “Animal” We Call Collections

When you are dealing with a delinquent owner it is often helpful to understand the psychology behind the owner’s emotional behavior.  There are four general behavioral categories:   The Grizzly Bear – the delinquent owner will be offended and on guard or unnecessarily aggressive during conversation about the unpaid assessments       The ChickenGo to Resource

If You Don’t Pay To Play . . . Beware

The Universal Music Group (UMG) was recently awarded a $53 million dollar judgment in its copyright infringement lawsuit against, Inc. for the unlicensed use of published music.  In March of 2008, the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) filed 29 separate infringement lawsuits against restaurants and nightclubs in 22 different states seekingGo to Resource

How to Avoid the “Mechanic’s Lien”

One of the most annoying things that can happen to an association is to have a mechanic’s lien filed against association property.  The lien, until the lienor is paid, can block the sale of every unit in the association.  An association may pay a contractor in full and still have a mechanic’s lien filed ifGo to Resource
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