CCIOA Corner – Meetings of Members

Did you know that Section 308(1) of CCIOA has very specific requirements concerning membership meetings for associations?  These requirements apply to all communities regardless of whether they were created before or after CCIOA (i.e. July 1, 1992). One of the requirements in Section 308(1) is for associations to hold membership meetings at least once eachGo to Resource

CCIOA Corner – Reallocation of Limited Common Elements

Have owners in your association ever wanted to switch parking spaces or garages that are allocated as limited common elements and your association’s documents been silent on the issue?  Well, if your community is post-CCIOA (i.e. created after July 1, 1992) you’re in luck!  Section 208 of CCIOA provides a process by which limited commonGo to Resource

CCIOA Corner – What’s in a Unit

Did you know that condominium communities created after July 1, 1992, (post-CCIOA) can take advantage of a provision in CCIOA defining and establishing unit components where the governing documents are silent?  Specifically, Section 202 of CCIOA provides that when the walls, floors, and ceilings of a unit are designated as boundaries, unless the declaration otherwiseGo to Resource

CCIOA Corner – Taxing the Pool and Other Common Elements

Did you know that CCIOA prohibits governmental entities from separately taxing an association’s common elements? It’s true! Section 105(2) of CCIOA prohibits separate property taxes from being imposed directly against common elements. This is why an association should never receive a tax bill for any of its common elements. But how does a municipality getGo to Resource

Maintenance and Insurance Charts

An association’s maintenance and insurance obligations are typically set forth in the association’s declarations of covenants.  However, in many instances, simply reading the maintenance and insurance provisions of the declaration will not give boards and managers clear answers.   Often times, many provisions of the declaration need to be cross referenced and read in conjunction, andGo to Resource
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