When a property is set for a closing, the title company handling the closing will request a status letter from the management company or board. The status letter contains quite a bit of information, including telling the title company how much of the profits from the sale should be withheld to pay the balance dueGo to Resource
The Corporate Transparency Act (“CTA”) has caused panic and confusion among the HOA industry.  Both managers, board members, and others in the industry are wondering what it means for them and how they can comply with the requirements. The CTA is a federal law requiring corporations and other businesses to report their “beneficial ownership” informationGo to Resource
What is a special assessment?  A special assessment is an assessment that is not contemplated in an association’s budget for the fiscal year and is therefore over and above the regular assessments imposed in accordance with an association’s budget. One reason for imposition of special assessments is to pay for unexpected repairs and replacements occasionedGo to Resource
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