One instance in which Colorado law favors transparency in homeowner associations is in the form of open Board meetings. Specifically, Section 308 of the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (“CCIOA”) provides that meetings of an association’s Board of Directors are generally open to attendance by all homeowners. The spirit of the law is to allowGo to Resource
Is it my imagination or are people getting less patient, more critical, more demanding, and less understanding? It seems over the last few years boards have been criticized and admonished more, while being appreciated and understood less. No wonder it’s becoming more and more difficult to fill board vacancies. After all, why would someone volunteerGo to Resource
An association’s maintenance and insurance obligations are typically set forth in the association’s covenants. However, in many instances, simply reading the maintenance and insurance provisions of the declaration will not give boards or managers clear answers. Often times, provisions of the declaration must be cross referenced and read in conjunction, and statutes consulted, before anGo to Resource
Does your association tow noncompliant vehicles? If so, it is imperative you know and understand some recent changes in the law when it comes to this remedy. Starting August 2022, your community will be required to comply with the new law or face exposure to liability. HB 22-1314 is a 28-page bill governing towing, andGo to Resource
What exactly does it mean to take action (i.e. make a decision) outside of a meeting and who has that right anyway? Most importantly, when should action outside a meeting be taken? While in-person (or virtual) meetings and open discussions are always best, it is not always feasible. Therefore, making decisions outside meetings is aGo to Resource