Spring Brings Attack of the 3 Ps

With the changing season, associations across the country will be dealing with the Three Ps – Pools, Parking and Pets.  The Three Ps tend to pose problems for most associations during the spring and summer months.  With a little advanced planning and regular attention to these issues, associations can reduce the headaches these common issuesGo to Resource

Self Help

Your board wants to go on a property and correct a covenant violation themselves.  Can you?  Even if you have legal authorization, should you?  Read on for the risks and rewards of using authorization to go onto someone else’s property to resolve a covenant violation. First and foremost you must review the governing documents forGo to Resource

Holiday Decorating: A Time to Build Community Spirit – Not Stomp on It

It’s already early October, which means that Halloween, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanza and New Years are fast approaching.  With some of these holidays comes a real desire by residents in community associations to celebrate by decorating their homes. Holiday decorating can be a great way to build community spirit in associations or can be aGo to Resource
What makes a rule enforceable? An enforceable rule meets the requirements of the law and governing documents. What makes an enforceable rule a good rule? A good rule meets the needs and requirements of the community. When writing rules, boards should make sure the rules are both enforceable and “good”. In general, courts recognize theGo to Resource
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