Meeting Moment – Relinquishing the Chair

You’ve been promoting the need for a special assessment for months now. As board president, you’ve taken the lead in exploring alternatives and developing a budget. Now, you’re planning the agenda for the meeting where homeowners will vote on the special assessment. I’m afraid some homeowners who oppose this special assessment don’t believe I willGo to Resource

Meeting Moment – Committees

Imagine that you’re presiding over your annual homeowners’ association meeting. A homeowner has made a motion on a controversial issue. You’d love to give the homeowners more information about the issue, and give the board time to study it and make a good recommendation. You’re concerned that a vote on the issue tonight might leadGo to Resource

Why Do Boards Hide? Transparency Doesn’t Bite

Why are there so many laws requiring HOA boards to conduct business in the open? How do you think that we have ended up with laws in Colorado that require open meetings, liberal records review rights, homeowner input and alternative dispute resolution policies, as well as annual disclosures and responsible governance policies? It is becauseGo to Resource

Using your Experts

As a board member, you take on a number of important obligations for your community.  You try to complete each of them to the best of your ability.  However, what do you do when the situation is beyond the scope of your knowledge? How about unpopular decisions that you know will be challenged by theGo to Resource
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