There’s No Such Thing as Bad Publicity

Is this quote true?  It probably depends on how prepared you are for the reporter’s call.  In this article we will explore how you can be prepared and turn every call by the media into a positive opportunity for your association.  First and foremost always remember that the story is already out there and itGo to Resource

Out of the Box Collection Ideas

If you’ve ever been to a Mammoth game you know the chant….GET IN THE BOX!  Being in the penalty box is punishment during a Mammoth game for not following the rules but in your association you may need to get out of the box in order to collect unpaid assessments.  What do we mean byGo to Resource

Absentee Landlords and Their Problem Tenants

In this day and age it is not unusual to hear association boards and owners complain about “renters” as a generic group.  In fact, renters seem to have a negative stigma associated with them based on a few bad apples.  But who is really at fault here: is it the renters themselves or the absenteeGo to Resource
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