With all the various changes to FHA Guidelines over the last several years, condominium communities continue to struggle with FHA certification or recertification. Some communities are finding that although they were eligible for certification in prior years, when applying for recertification, they are now being rejected. So what’s changed? To help you figure out whetherGo to Resource
Whether you call it marijuana, pot, cannabis, THC, or something entirely different, community associations in Colorado are feeling the wrath. In fact, many associations have already amended their governing documents prohibiting the growth and distribution of marijuana in their communities, and even more associations have adopted rules prohibiting use of marijuana in common areas. ButGo to Resource
Easements, licenses, and transfers—oh my! If your association finds itself in a situation where it needs to use the property of another, or allow the association’s property to be used by another, you may be overwhelmed and confused by the options and terminology. For example, the board is approached by a homeowner who has justGo to Resource
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve attended an annual meeting or board meeting where the subject was money. More specifically, the association is in a bind and needs money now. And, while the board could consider a number of options such as annual assessment increases, special assessments, or funding the project with reserves,Go to Resource
What Does CCIOA Require for Association Meetings that Your Community is Not Doing?
It is not uncommon for board members or managers of common interest communities to find themselves so focused on the current matters facing their communities that the bigger picture issues fall by the wayside. As most of our readers are keenly aware, the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (CCIOA) is the primary governing statutory schemeGo to Resource