All too often an association’s board of directors wants to end a relationship with a vendor only to find it overly burdensome or expensive termination provisions in the vendor’s contract. The board may have relied on a history with the vendor or oral representations made by the vendor’s representative without fully reviewing the termination languageGo to Resource
Recalling and removing a Board member can be one of the most contentious issues facing an association. It is best that recall efforts be reserved for situations in which a director has breached his or her fiduciary duties or has otherwise engaged in some type of unlawful activity. Personality conflicts and/or personal vendettas should typicallyGo to Resource
As we start 2018 with a fresh and clean slate, now is the time to pull out our list of New Year’s resolutions and decide what we want to tackle first. Perhaps one of those resolutions was to minimize your association’s liability exposure, and more specifically, to minimize the liability exposure when it comes toGo to Resource
Regardless of how long the CCIOA budget process has been in existence, it remains a mystery and enigma to many. As currently written, this budget process only applies to post-CCIOA communities (i.e. those communities created on or after July 1, 1992) but as of July 1, 2018, a portion of the process will apply toGo to Resource
Need to Amend Your Declaration, but Can’t Get Enough Approvals?
Having trouble garnering sufficient owner participation from your community association? Can’t get more than 5 owners to attend a meeting, much less meet a quorum to conduct association business? This is all too common for many associations, and it can pose a major obstacle when attempting to amend the association’s declaration. As you may know,Go to Resource